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ST 01 – Crunch Bench

strengthens the abdominals

Lie on your back with your feet or your lower legs on the foot- rest. Bent your knees to a 90° angle and cross your arms over your chest. Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders and bring them towards your knees. Bring them back down again. To change the level of difficulty, you may vary the position of your feet.

function: curling of the upper body

effect: strengthening of the core muscles

persons: 1

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ST 02 – Push-up Bars

strengthens the upper arm and chest muscles

Stand in front of the unit. Place your hands on the bars with your arms slightly bent. Build up body tension. Lower your body towards your hands and come back up again. Try to put your hands on different heights or to lift one leg.

function: push-up of body

effect: strengthening of upper body muscles

persons: 1

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ST 03 – Pull-up Bars

strengthens the upper arm, chest and back muscles

Grab the bars from underneath with your arms slightly bent. Build up body tension. Pull yourself towards the bars. Keep the position for a moment and then slowly move back into the starting position. Try to hold on to the bars in different heights. The lower you grab, the stronger the load.

function: pull-up of the body

Wirkung: strengthening of arm, chest and back muscles

persons: 1

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ST 04 – Back Bench

strengthens the rear thigh and back muscles

Place yourself on the bench facing the ground. Fix your legs by pressing them against the bar. Cross your arms over your chest. Lift your upper body until it is parallel to the ground and back again. Try to detach one leg from the bar to intensify this exercise.

function: raising the upper body

effect: strengthening of the back muscles

persons: 1

Download Datenblatt (PDF – 341 kB)

ST 05 – Balance Board

stimulates the sense of balance

Stand in the middle of the balance board with your knees slightly bent. Get out of balance by small movements, then try to regain your balance. Close your eyes to intensify this exercise.

function: keeping the balance on unsteady ground

effect: supports coordination and sense of balance

persons: 1

Download data sheet (PDF – 271 kB)

ST 06 – Stretching Bars

supports stretching of the muscles

Stretch your muscles to prevent shortening and to relax. On the top rails you can stretch your whole body to relieve your spine. Vary the duration of the stretching exercises.

function: many stretching exercises can be carried out from a safe standing position

effect: improvement of flexibility, relaxation

persons: 2 at the same time

Download data sheet (PDF – 268 kB)


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